Update-The Hallway is Painted

I can’t believe how long this has taken but………the hallway and trim are all painted!!  The hallway started out a light lemony yellow color and is now a steel-gray.  It pains me that this process has taken so long and it’s not even over yet! I still have to return the wall decor and clean the carpet.

Why did it take so long?  A variety of reasons; I work full-time so some nights I was just worn out.  I also underestimated the time certain tasks would take.  And….I am a major procrastinator.  I am working on this and making baby steps in the right direction but I still have a long way to go.  I plan to do something and then the time comes and I find 27 other things to do instead.

What has helped? Breaking tasks up into small, bite sized pieces.  I procrastinated so long on just taking down the decor and frames off of the wall and of course it took less than 20 minutes!! I was too busy thinking about all of the things that needed to be done after taking the items down that I let it paralyze me which led me to keep putting it off.

To trick myself into getting stuff done, I told myself that I just had to work for 30 minutes and then I could stop if I wanted to.  Of course I never wanted to stop and I just continued until I came to a natural stopping point.

In any event, the largest task is done and now we’re down to the details.  So without further whining about how tired I am after work, how long stuff takes and how much I procrastinate, I present to you the before and after of the painted hallway!

The laundry door needed repair which got done with the help of my friend.  I previously talked about how heavy and awkward the door was which meant that I needed help to complete the task!  The mirror that I removed from the guest bath still needs a new home. Right now, it’s sitting behind the door in the master bedroom (#reallife). It will likely get donated somewhere like ReStore (Habitat for Humanity).

So here we are “in progress”.  I’m bound and determined to get this project done ASAP!!! I have my annual Oscar party on March 4th and I’d like to have everything done by them.  That means I have to buckle down, make a plan, and execute!

Wish me luck and buckets of energy and motivation!!

How are you projects coming along? How do you battle procrastination or lack of motivation!

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