End of the Year Reflections-what worked and what needs work

As the year comes to close, it is time to reflect on accomplishments from this year.  No one ever accomplishes everything they set out to and if you do then your goals are likely too few or not challenging enough.

While it’s important to look at what didn’t get done, it is more important to look at what did.  Often we’ve done much more than we realize.  Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you get off track.  What I’ve learned over the years is that is really is a about getting back up and returning to the track. Getting thrown off is simply part of the process.

Later this week, we’ll look at my goals for 2018.

Without further ado, my accomplishments:

  • started my blog
  • continued participating in my book club
  • continued with project life (though I am constantly playing catch up)
  • maintained important friendships
  • made some new friends
  • started my Etsy shop (currently on vacation but more on that in a future post)
  • participated in my first ever craft fair
  • learned how to fix my toilet-replaced all of the inner workings as well as the water line
  • hosted my annual Oscar party
  • attended my first planner conference
  • kept all of my medical and dental appointments
  • started hormone therapy (post coming)
  • started meal planning and prep
  • decluttered my kitchen cabinets

What I didn’t do:
Get rid of more stuff

Every year I put decluttering on my list but I have yet to make an actual plan on how to get my entire home cleared out of unnecessary items.  I did manage to do the kitchen cabinets but in general my decluttering process has been piece meal and scattered. In 2018, I plan to devise some sort of schedule which will allow me to tackle one room or closet at a time so that at some point I can call this area done!  I have gotten much better about not bringing more and more items into my home!
Complete more home projects

I have big ideas about what I’d like to do but I get overwhelmed when I think about the skills I don’t possess for DIY.  I have learned this year that breaking things down after I have the big idea and then giving myself the time, space, and grace to work at my own pace is tremendously helpful.  Documenting on the blog helps, too , because I can write out my frustrations and challenges and feel heard!

Spend adequate time on personal and spiritual growth

I have listened to many podcasts this year in these areas but beyond that I have not focused on this area at all.  The only minor change I’ve made (which has actually been helpful) is that when I wake up each morning I thank God/the universe for the day and for giving me another opportunity to be my best self.  On days that I remember, I will also say an affirmation before I get out of  bed.

Focus adequately on my physical health

Like many people, every year I have health and fitness goals that I’d like to meet. And every year, I fall short. In 2018, I will continue to have health and fitness goals but I will be more focused on what it is I am wanting to achieve. I did however, give myself credit for meal planning and preparation which I was fairly successful with for the entire year!

One of the things I’ve learned in compiling this list is that it’s much easier to think of what I didn’t do than what I did.  And, I realize that it’s really important to give yourself credit for some of the “boring” life things that don’t seem to need recognition but do.  Making and keeping my medical and dental appointments is important for my overall health.  If I didn’t maintain this area of my health, meeting other goals might be much harder.  Preventative medical and dental care are provide the foundation or the jumping off point so that I can focus on other areas of personal and spiritual growth.  Doctor and dental appointments are not fun and sexy (and you likely won’t hear lots of them) but they are the cornerstone for everything else!

Come back on Thursday, January 4 to read more about my goals and plans for 2018.

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