December Small Goals

Well let’s see how well November turned out (or not)!!

  1. Weekly face mask-this time I’ll choose a different day to shoot for.  Mondays clearly don’t work! (FAIL)!  I did not manage to give myself not even one face mask this month.  It’s crazy because I really like face masks.  I know part of the reason is that I’m usually exhausted by the time I go to bed and I just don’t feel like adding one more step to my routine.
  2. Empty kitchen sink-15 or more nights. (YAY)!! I actually left an empty sink 16 nights this month.  Having an empty sink and clean kitchen is really good for my morning.  At night, it helps me feel accomplished and in the morning it helps me to feel like I’m on top of something even before I leave the house.
  3. Floss nightly-22 or more nights. (FAIL)! I managed 16 nights but my goal is really every night.
  4. Exercise-15 or more days (this is a bit ambitious especially since I will be out-of-town for Thanksgiving for 5 days).(MAJOR FAIL)! I worked out twice only this month. I had a feeling this one wasn’t going to work out this month with me being away and having some nights where I’m on call.  I am also very well aware that I can find a thousand things to do or make a million excuses for not exercising. Until I make working out a priority, I’m just not going to be consistent.
  5. Rise early-4 days (1 per week). (HA)!  I’m not a morning person and I never have been.  I managed just 1 morning of rising early.  And when I did, I got in 1 of my two work outs for the month.  I’m not going to put this on the list for December but I will likely add it back in at some point.

Weekly face mask: I’m going to try again but this is an area that I’d really like to prioritize for myself.
Empty Kitchen Sink: 18 or more nights.  Again, this is a habit I’m trying to establish.  It seems like I let it slide on the weekends namely Friday and Saturday nights.
Floss-my dental health really is important to me.  I’ll shoot for 18 or more flossing nights. The nights I don’t floss it’s generally because I’m really tired and just want to wash my face and go to bed. I should probably start getting ready for bed earlier but that’s a goal for another month.
Send out Christmas cards on time: by the 15th of the month.  I make and send cards out every year but most years I am scrambling to get them out so that they make their destinations before Christmas.  This year, I want to be done and just enjoy the cards I receive.

How about you?  What goals are you working on this month?

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December 18, 2017 10:01 pm

How do you track you goals? Do you use a planner page? Thanks!

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