Month: December 2017

Merry Christmas

Just popping in to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  Today, I will be enjoying time with my family and friends and hope you are doing the same. Later this week, there will be time to reflect on the year but for today ENJOY YOURSELF and those you love and who love you.

Dueling Pianos

  Because I’m not all about home repair and craft fairs, I went out with a friend to an event called Dueling Pianos this past Saturday night. Generally, I enjoy going out and listening to music, dancing, movies, dinner and socializing in general.  As much as I enjoy being a homebody, going out feeds my…

Hallway Refresh-Update

I have a brief and not terribly exciting hallway refresh update for you.  It’s a little exciting because I have finally decided on the color I will paint the walls but otherwise I haven’t gotten much done. It should come as no surprise that I am behind where I thought I’d be on this project. …

December Small Goals

Well let’s see how well November turned out (or not)!! Weekly face mask-this time I’ll choose a different day to shoot for.  Mondays clearly don’t work! (FAIL)!  I did not manage to give myself not even one face mask this month.  It’s crazy because I really like face masks.  I know part of the reason…

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