November Small Goals-How I plan to get things done

 Like many people, I love to make goals.  Also like many, I don’t always do much more than make goals.  The first of the year  always feels like the right time to make goals but you don’t have to wait until then.  Goal setting can be done at any time of the year.

There are some benefits to setting small monthly goals:

  • allows you to sharpen your focus on what you want to do and re-focus should you get distracted
  • it’s a good way to establish desired habits
  • if after a time you find that you are setting the same goal month after month but not meeting your goal, it allows you to give that goal some more thought.  Do you need to change the goal, is it the right goal, is it the right time for that goal?
  • small monthly goals offer a way to have and celebrate small successes along the way towards a larger goal thereby increasing the chances that you won’t get overwhelmed by the larger goals.

Here’s how I did with my goals for October:


  1. Weekly face mask (self-care)-NOPE. I actually did not do this at all. I seem to have difficulty making the time to do this even though I love doing face masks.
  2. Empty the kitchen sink every night12 of 31.  I think I will adjust this goal and work up towards every night.  My starting point was zero as I was in the habit of just letting dishes pile up until they got on my nerves usually once or twice per week. #REALLIFE!
  3. Floss nightly– 18 of 31 nights.  This is so important to my health so I want to work hard to consistently floss every night.
  4. Exercise 12 times this month-I managed to get in 10 work out sessions.  This isn’t bad but I really want to become a 4-5 day per week exerciser.  Also, as usual, I started the month really strong and lost motivation towards the end of the month.
  5. Rise early one day per week-NOPE. I am not a morning person! However, I would like to develop a habit where ultimately I can get up early 2-3 days per week to exercise, read, journal, work on my blog, etc…


  1. Weekly face mask-this time I’ll choose a different day to shoot for.  Mondays clearly don’t work!
  2. Empty kitchen sink-15 or more nights.
  3. Floss nightly-22 or more nights.
  4. Exercise-15 or more days (this is a bit ambitious especially since I will be out of town for Thanksgiving for 5 days).
  5. Rise early-4 days (1 per week).

What are your goals for this month? Share in the comments!

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